Get to Know Vivek Sabbarwal
FEBRUARY 28, 2024 | Posted By: Staff

Age: 25
Pronouns: He/Him
Zodiac: Cancer
Hometown: Saint John, N.B.
Occupation: Software Developer
Relationship Status: Single
Why do you think you were selected to be on BBCAN12?
My passion for this game! I’ve loved this show since it first aired, and combine that with the strategy and charisma, I have a good combo for this show.
What is your strategy going into the house?
Find my ride or die at the beginning, form an alliance with them and six people, and ride into jury. Then I’ll get more aggressive and manipulative to build my resume for final two and cut my ride or die in final three.
What aspect of your personality do you think will shine the most?
My determination, even if I’m a have-not, up for nomination, lost the POV… I will not give up!
What strengths do you bring that will help you in POV/HOH challenges?
If I’m given a mental competition, I believe I have a good chance of winning based on my knowledge of the show and my technical background.
What part of the Big Brother Canada experience are you most excited for?
Besides winning the whole thing, I would say the first day when I step foot into the house which I have seen on TV for years.
What part of the Big Brother Canada experience do you think will be the hardest for you?
I’m a really family-oriented guy, so not being able to see my family or hear their voices is going to be tough for me!
What’s the first thing you would buy with the grand prize winnings?
Gifts for all of my family members.
What legacy do you hope to leave behind after your time on BBCAN12?
My only hope is to inspire other immigrants that come to this country that through hard work and determination, you too can achieve great things like being on one of the biggest reality shows in Canada.
Fill in the Blank:
My idea of a perfect day includes: picnic on a private beach.
My biggest pet peeve is: being ungrateful for what you have.
My greatest strength is: my passion and determination to achieve the goals I set for myself.
My biggest fear is: spiders.
My most prized possession is: my car.
The best advice I’ve ever received is: if you are going through hard times, keep going! It’ll only get better.
My hidden talent is: I’ve got moves like Jagger.
Most spontaneous thing I’ve done is: besides Big Brother Canada, waking up on holiday and wanting to go skydiving and doing it.
If I could possess any superpower, it would be: knowledge of everything in the universe.
My celebrity lookalike is: Dev Patel.
My celebrity crush: Drake, in a platonic way. I admire the guy a lot.
When I’m stressed, I cope by: going on hikes, playing video games or going out with friends.
If I could only eat one thing in the house, it would be: spicy chicken wings.
I get along best with people who: are ambitious like me, work hard and stay humble.
My friends/family would describe me as someone who: has good morals, is full of ambition and loves to party!
A personal accomplishment I am most proud of is: buying a house at 25.
Rapid Fire:
Popularity contest or under-the-radar strategy? Popularity contest
Gut instinct or logic? Logic
Competition beast or floater? Comp beast
Intellectual skills or physical strength? Intellectual skills
No sleep or no food? No food
Master manipulator or straightforward honesty? Master manipulator
Win at all costs, or maintain your integrity? Win at all costs
Showmance or nomance? Showmance